Step 1
Contact us
Reach out to our research team
Step 2
SURVEY Set up and strategy DISCUSSION
60 minutes With key senior contacts - 30 minutes with THE CEO
We will work closely with a representative of your organization to create, adjust, and approve a customized survey that meets particular areas of interest for your organization.
The personalized survey will deliver insights into the strategic leadership systems and the extent to which they are driving the performance of your organization.
We also conduct a 30-minute interview with the CEO and/or another senior leader to discuss the firm's strategy and identify the individuals and groups who should participate.
Step 3
Invite and announce the survey
Send emails to announce the survey and encourage participation
We will launch the survey, with coordinated communication from your organization, and monitor the response rate. We will work with your organization to send reminders as needed to reach the required response rate.
Learn more about the content of the survey in this brief video:
Step 4
PersonaliZed report
We analyze your data and provide a personalized debrief report tailored to your organization.
Step 5
60-90 minutes with senior leaders or management
Schedule a debrief session to discuss the personalized insights from the project and what actions your organization could take to improve strategic effectiveness.
All organizations will be invited to work with the research team to monitor their improvement. Participation in a follow-up (6-month survey) is optional.